Happy New Year

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Anime Robot/SFX
Happy New Year
Good evening, Roku here.

Yeah, the opening statement is always the same, but I do type it every time.
Its not copy n pasted.

M-POP Rainbow series... The Ultra monsters have finally been released!

Friendly monster Pigmon.

Oh this is something trivial, but the Pigmon in the Ultraman game on the ps2 was amusing. I defeated Zetton by making Pigmon jump.

There is a monster called Garamon, which looks very similar to Pigmon, but they are different monsters. They are so similar, that I thought they were just reusing the costum...

Garadama monster, abbreviated to? [Garamon]

Garamon is a robot monster, and appears in Ultra Q.
They are the henchmen of Cicada Man (Semi Ningen)
They are mass produced.
They are the baddies.


Pigmon, a monster cooperative to humans.
It appears in Ultraman.
They are good guys.

...in the end.

The M-POP Rainbow Series, currently taking pre-orders of these popular items!

By Roku, who had to re-write half the blog due to a mysterious machine trouble... and the re-written part halved too...
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