...am I your master? (wait, isnt that the wrong way around?)

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Gundam Kit/etc.
...am I your master? (wait, isnt that the wrong way around?)
Heeeey people, its time for Frame Architect again!

So yeah, good evening everyone! It's Gabas!!
Today is the second Frame Architect playing introduction session!



Frame Architect: "Good evening everyone! I'm Flare, the Frame Architect!!
Today I will go in depth about the way you can play with Frame Architect, from this lap pillow I bought at Akihab..."

Flare: "...ara...!?"
*abnormally cold atmosphere surrounds the room*

Saber: "what did you say you bought... in Akihabara? Shirou?"

Flare: "NO NO its just a lap pillow!! It just happened to have a similar color to your clothing!!
Wait, I'm not even Shirou!! ...hey are you listening to me...? Miss Saber..."

Flare: "Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"

-Please wait one moment-

Saber: "Please stay there and reflect on what you have done until dinner!!"
Flare: "Damn...it......that......Sa..ber..." *falls*

??: "Do you want..."

Flare: "?"

??: "Do you want Power?"

Flare: "YES I DO!! If its political power, I WANT IT EVEN MORE!!"

Succubus type MMS Valona: "Then I'll give it to you!!"

Flare: "Woah!! You serious??"

-Few minutes later-

Flare: "this...This is me!? It feels like Red Bull rising from the bottom of my frames!!"

Valona: "That's your true self, the one that sold their soul to the devil!!"

Flare: "Soul to the Devil? Hmmm... sounds dodgy... but meh, who cares! SABER, HERE I COME!! I WILL GET MY LAP PILLOW BACK!!!!! hahaha!!"

Flare: "Muahahahahaha!!!!"

All right, lets take a break here.
So this time, I've attached the parts from Busou Shinki to the side holes on the Frame Architect, using the joint pins from Busou Shinki...
But the size is slightly different, so I had to cut a little off and make the pin thicker etc.!!
There are probably parts that fits well, but for this one, I think I've done a pretty good job, if I say so myself. When you combine it with Busou Shinki and Gundam kit parts, it might be a good idea to prepare connection parts to replace the joint pin, so you can enjoy it better! Let's give it a go!!

-Second Part Begins-

*Tap tap...*

Saber: "...?"

*Shows off*

Flare: "Hahaha don't think you can do anything with that bamboo stick of yours anymore!! I'll make you be my replacement LAP PILLOW!!"



Flare: "bbBeam Saber...!?"

Saber: "Is dinner not ready yet!!?"

Flare: "I.. shall prepare it... right... away... (*sniff* guess I will have to call those guys...)"

So this is it for the theater today.
Next session, we will finally move on from Frame Architect to Frame Arms!!
For those items that didn't get a part this time, such as guns and chainsaws, they will be introduced in the Frame Arms session next time!

So see you soon everyone!"

By Gabas (hey hey, its almost Comike soon... I haven't prepared anything yet...)

Valona: ".....Saber......such a dangerous child......Chi learned... Gosh, finishing with Chobits item...you never fail to please...Butou Shinshi Gabas... *dies*"
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