Evangelion RT No.01 Apple MP4-12C (MP4-12C GT3) (Model Car) Photo(s) taken by No Name No.2 [Close]
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Photo(s) taken by No Name
Evangelion RT No.01 Apple MP4-12C (MP4-12C GT3) (Model Car) Photo(s) taken by No Name
As mentioned previously, I bought Crazy Modeler's seatbelt kit. Backside is adhesive. I used the bundled Fujimi photo etched buckles & their instructions. You'd need a magnifier & 2 pairs of tweezers. The seat can slide out of the roll cage & in after seatbelt install, then glued back on.
image : https://www.1999.co.jp/user_image/upload/20160213123947_10227114_1_901_2.jpg