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Hobby Tool > Tools (Manufacturer) > Mineshima

366 Items (show 49 - 96)
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Craft File Circle (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima File I-26
240 yen  /  2 points
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Craft File Square (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima File I-27
240 yen  /  2 points
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Craft File Triangle (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Metal Files File I-28
240 yen  /  2 points
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Spin Head Type Drill (For 0.1 - 1.0mm drill) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-2
950 yen  /  9 points
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Spin Head Type Drill PV-AD (For 0.1 - 3.2mm drill) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-4B
1,800 yen  /  18 points
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4 Drill Bit Set (0.5 0.7 1.0m/m) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-5
2,000 yen  /  20 points
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3 Drill Bit Set (2.0 2.5m/m) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-5B
1,500 yen  /  15 points
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4 Drill Bit Set (1.5 2.0 2.5m/m) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-5C
2,200 yen  /  22 points
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4 Drill Bit Set (0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0m/m) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-7A
1,500 yen  /  15 points
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5 Drill Bit Set (0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5m/m) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-7B
1,800 yen  /  18 points
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6 Drill Bit Set (0.3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0m/m) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-8
2,750 yen  /  27 points
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*Bargain Item* Drill Bit 0.2m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.2m/m)
840 yen 36%OFF  /  8 points
Only a few left
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Drill Bit 0.3m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.3m/m)
720 yen  /  7 points
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L-10 Drill Bit 0.4m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.4m/m)
610 yen  /  6 points
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Drill Bit 0.5m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.5m/m)
510 yen  /  5 points
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L-10 Drill Bit 0.6m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.6m/m)
430 yen  /  4 points
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L-10 Drill Bit 0.7m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.7m/m)
400 yen  /  4 points
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Drill Bit 0.8m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.8m/m)
360 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 0.9m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(0.9m/m)
400 yen  /  4 points
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Drill Bit 1.0m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.0m/m)
370 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 1.1m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.1m/m)
400 yen  /  4 points
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*Bargain Item* Drill Bit 1.2m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.2m/m)
280 yen 36%OFF  /  2 points
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Drill Bit 1.3m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.3m/m)
360 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 1.4m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.4m/m)
360 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 1.5m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.5m/m)
370 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 1.6m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.6m/m)
400 yen  /  4 points
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Drill Bit 1.7m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.7m/m)
360 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 1.8m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.8m/m)
400 yen  /  4 points
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Drill Bit 1.9m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(1.9m/m)
360 yen  /  3 points
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*Bargain Item* Drill Bit 2.0m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.0m/m)
259 yen 36%OFF  /  2 points
Only a few left
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Drill Bit 2.1m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.1m/m)
390 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 2.2m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.2m/m)
350 yen  /  3 points
Now on Sale
Drill Bit 2.3m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.3m/m)
350 yen  /  3 points
Now on Sale
Drill Bit 2.4m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.4m/m)
350 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 2.5m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.5m/m)
370 yen  /  3 points
Now on Sale
Drill Bit 2.6m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.6m/m)
390 yen  /  3 points
Now on Sale
Drill Bit 2.7m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.7m/m)
390 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 2.8m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.8m/m)
350 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 2.9m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(2.9m/m)
390 yen  /  3 points
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Drill Bit 3.0m/m (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Drill Bit Pin Vice/Drill Bit L-10(3.0m/m)
370 yen  /  3 points
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Plate File (Large) (Middle) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima File GY-7
2,500 yen  /  25 points
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Plate File (Middle) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima GY-5
651 yen  /  6 points
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Plate File (Fine) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima File GY-6
651 yen  /  6 points
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Needle Type File (Middle) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima GY-4
2,500 yen  /  25 points
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Super Thin File (Middle) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima File GY-2
2,500 yen  /  25 points
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Disposable Mask (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima Other Tools (Painting) TM-1
400 yen  /  4 points
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Engraving knife Flat Type (3 5 7mm) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima TM-6
2,980 yen  /  29 points
Engraving knife Round Type (3 7 10mm) (Hobby Tool)
Mineshima TM-8
2,980 yen  /  29 points
Hobby Tool > Tools (Manufacturer) > Mineshima
366 Items (show 49 - 96)
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