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VF-1A/J Valkyrie `Egg Plane` (Plastic model)
Hasegawa Non Egg Plane 65789
Early Jun., 2010
1,170 yen 18%OFF  /  11 points
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VF-1S Strike/Super Valkyrie `Egg Plane` (Plastic model)
Hasegawa Non Egg Plane 65791
Mid Nov., 2010
1,350 yen 18%OFF  /  13 points
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YF-19 `Egg Plane` (Plastic model)
Hasegawa Non Egg Plane 65796
Mid Feb., 2012
1,170 yen 18%OFF  /  11 points
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YF-19w/Fast Pack & Fold Booster `Egg Plane` (Plastic model)
Hasegawa Non Egg Plane 65825
Early Dec., 2013
1,350 yen 18%OFF  /  13 points
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Lynn Minmay (Chinese Dress) w/VF-1J Valkyrie (Egg Plane) (Plastic model)
Hasegawa 1/24 Macross , Egg Plane 65847
Late Mar., 2019
2,880 yen 18%OFF  /  28 points
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Lynn Minmay (Stage Dress) w/VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Egg Plane) (Plastic model)
Hasegawa 1/24 Macross , Egg Plane 65863
Early Dec., 2019
3,060 yen 18%OFF  /  30 points
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Myung Fang Lone w/YF-19`Macross Plus` (Egg Plane) (Plastic model)
Hasegawa 1/24 Macross , Egg Plane 65872
Mid Jul., 2021
2,880 yen 18%OFF  /  28 points
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VF-1J Valkyrie `Max & Miria` (Egg Plane) (Plastic model)
Hasegawa Non Egg Plane 65876
Late Apr., 2022
2,520 yen 18%OFF  /  25 points
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