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Search results for : Marvel Bishoujo

40 Items (show 1 - 40)
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Marvel Bishoujo Spider Gwen Renewal Package (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK372
16,150 yen  /  161 points
Anime Robot/SFX
Now on Sale
Marvel Bishoujo Thor (Jane Foster) (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK351
14,250 yen  /  142 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK354
Late Nov., 2022
15,200 yen  /  152 points
Anime Robot/SFX
Now on Sale
Marvel Bishoujo l Invisible Woman Ultimate (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK369
Oct(Apr. 4, 2024 Pre-order start.)
23,750 yen  /  237 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Ms. Marvel Renewal Package (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK373
Not fixed re-release(Dec. 14, 2023 Pre-order start.)
16,150 yen  /  161 points
Anime Robot/SFX
Reservation Closed
Marvel Bishoujo Rogue Rebirth (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK368
Late Dec., 2023
17,100 yen  /  171 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Lady Loki (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK352
14,250 yen  /  142 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Wolverine (Laura Kinney) (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK355
Mid Dec., 2021
13,300 yen  /  133 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Black Cat Steals Your Heart (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK350
Late Dec., 2020
12,160 yen  /  121 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Dark Phoenix Rebirth (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK295
Mid Apr., 2020
12,160 yen  /  121 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Domino (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK280
Late Aug., 2019
9,310 yen  /  93 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Captain Marvel (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK231
8,000 yen  /  80 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan) (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK221
Late Sep., 2017
8,250 yen  /  82 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Squirrel Girl (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK216
Mid May, 2017
7,800 yen  /  78 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Loki (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK199
Late Jan., 2017
9,000 yen  /  90 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Thor (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK198
Mid Dec., 2016
9,000 yen  /  90 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Spider Gwen (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK196
Late Aug., 2016
7,800 yen  /  78 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Lady Deadpool (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK194
Late Jan., 2016
7,800 yen  /  78 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Wasp (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK172
Mid Aug., 2015
7,200 yen  /  72 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Shehulk (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK171
Late Apr., 2015
7,500 yen  /  75 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Jubilee (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK161
Mid Dec., 2014
7,200 yen  /  72 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Spider Woman (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK162
Mid May, 2014
6,460 yen  /  64 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Psylocke -X-Force Ninja Outfit- (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK154
Early Dec., 2013
6,460 yen  /  64 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Kitty Pryde (Completed)
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK147
Early Jun., 2013
6,460 yen  /  64 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Black Widow Covertops Ver.
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK124
Late Jun., 2012
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Storm
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK66
Late May, 2012
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo X-23
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK59
Early Feb., 2012
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Mystique
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK57
Late Dec., 2011
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue ELEKTRA
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK56
Late Mar., 2012
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Jean Grey
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK111
Early Jul., 2011
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Invisible Woman
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK110
Early Jun., 2011
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Ms. Marvel
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK109
Early Apr., 2011
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Black Cat
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK108
Mid Feb., 2011
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Emma Frost
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK104
Early Dec., 2010
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Dark Phoenix
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK98
Late Jun., 2010
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Phoenix
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK97
Late Jun., 2010
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Psylocke
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK93
Late Apr., 2010
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Scarlet Witch
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK83
Mid Dec., 2009
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Rogue
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK82
Late Jun., 2009
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Marvel Bishoujo Statue Black Widow
Kotobukiya Marvel Universe Bishoujo , Marvel Bishoujo MK23
Late May, 2009
5,890 yen  /  58 points
Anime Robot/SFX
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Search results for : Marvel Bishoujo
40 Items (show 1 - 40)
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