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French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 5,700 yen
List Price : 6,600yen
Points Acquired : 57pointsOther Currencies
Manufacturer:Hobby Boss
Series:Fighting Vehicle
Release Date : Mid Jun., 2012
JAN code : 6939319224897
Item code:82489
French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model)
User Area(Evaluation:2)
Other pictureFrench Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Other picture1
ContentsFrench Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Contents1French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Contents2French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Contents3
ColorFrench Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Color1French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Color2
Assembly guideFrench Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Assembly guide1French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Assembly guide2French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Assembly guide3French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Assembly guide4French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Assembly guide5French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Assembly guide6French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model) Assembly guide7See more...
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This item is limited to 3 per household.
Full length: approx 21cm.
Full width: approx 7cm.

● The wheeled armored personnel carrier was developed in 1950 by Panhard, France. Can lift the inner wheel 4
Possible, also become eight-wheel vehicle four-wheel vehicle also is characterized by a large. 330 greater than or equal to the number of parts, etched parts, with synthetic rubber tires into precise patterns.
● new mold
Item Size/Weight : 34 x 22 x 6 cm / 406g
Explanation in Japanese

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French Army EBR-10 Wheeled Armored Vehicle (Plastic model)
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This item scores 1.5.
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