(・-・) Hello! I am Baymax! Your personal shopping companion!

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(・-・) Hello! I am Baymax! Your personal shopping companion!
Hi, Tominon here.(・-・)

It's 2015!

Happy New Year! It's a year of sheep!

We Hobby Search has been opened from Jan. 5th!
First of all, let me apologies for delayed shipping! Now we all are trying to catch up.
Thank you for your understanding.

So how was your holidays?
I watched tons of movies! … perhaps I did same thing in last year. XD
Among all funny and interesting movies I've seen, the best one is….


/Hello! I am Baymax! Your personal healthcare companion!\

Now showing at almost every movie theaters!
Baymax (Big Hero 6)!!

I’ve been totally knocked out by his fluffy white body!
His move has been based on unsteady steps of babies and penguins.
I can't take my eyes off his adorable moving!
Oh, I wish I could play with him all day long…

I know 2015 has just begun though, it will be the top on my annual movie ranking for sure! Nobody can deny the friendship between a robot and a boy, right?

Then, my internal voice is whispering in my brain.
“I just want it! Find Big Hero 6 items by any means! If you like it, buy it right away!”
…Well, it's kind of Otaku's karma I suppose. You may understand what I feel.

So I’m going to introduce you Big Hero 6 items that we have now!

Big Hero 6 Purse

It changes into Baymax shape with pulling strings!
It’s a perfect bag for gummibears! (゚∀゚)

Big Hero 6 Tin Netsuke

Baymax became a suzu bell!
His body has been designed partially on suzu bell actually so it much perfectly! He looks like a rice cake, doesn't he?

Big Hero 6 Fluffy Sticker

The stickers made by sponge-like fluffy materials!
Holding a “hairy baby”, showing a ChupaChaps, asking about the level of pain…
All impressive scenes has been reproduced! I love the one Baymax in storage(*´ω`*)

Big Hero 6 Pukupuku Seal

Soft-rise seals!
It also contains many unforgettable scenes! USB memory device, Hiro on a shoulder ride, and that soccer ball!
You can play at Beymax with pain level indications!

Big Hero 6 Pass Case

Want to go out with Baymax? How about this pass case?
He is too big to ride on the train unfortunately, but you can be with him anytime and anywhere bringing this one!

Big Hero 6 Face Pouch Baymax

A fluffy made face pouch!
I guess I can touch and enjoy with it all day long…

Oh, you realize that?

There is a face mark which indicates the level of pain on the zipper.
Hmm, level 1 … looks he’s fine right now.

Big Hero 6 Face Pouch Baymax 2.0

Armed Baymax pouch!
Yes, he can do something if he use something to take something!
You have no idea what I'm talking about? Then, go to the theater right away!

(・-・).。oO(Recently I heard and was so surprised that Baymax in original comic is a body guard robot, not a health care one.)

Anyway, this one also has a face mark! Woops, the pain level is max!

All heartwarming Big Hero 6 items above are available for preorder now!

\I'm ok, Baymax/

So that’s all for today!
See you next time!


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