This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.長い間、ご声援ありがとうございました。 とみのんの次回作にご期待下さい。 (トメ子の真似っこ)
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.個人的に推したいのが「脇から腕にかけての造形」!!最高にふつくしいです・・・!!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.ミミック「ケッケッケ!オイラ こう見えて スッゲー 役に立っちまうんだぜ!」
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.どれも昔使っていた懐かしいものばかりで、眺めているとあの頃のドキドキ感が思い起こされます!!(・∀・ 三 ・∀・)
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.姉妹揃えて遊びたいと思って、エルサと二人一緒に購入してしまいました///
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.一本一本丁寧に作られた高品質の完成品樹木のセットが入荷です!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.蓄音機のミニチュアですと・・・!?(ガタッ)
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.cobaanii mokei工房さんの新作アイテムが一挙に6点予約開始です!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.ラーメンを被った霧切さんも美しい・・・。
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.本日も撮り下ろし画像満載でお届けです!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.1/12のフィギュアにはちょっぴり大きめですが、違和感はあんまりないですよ~(*^^*)
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.フィギュア部門、ガンプラ部門(キャラクタープラモデルを含む)、プラモデル部門のTOP15をランキング形式でご紹介していきますね!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding. わぁ・・・カービィちゃんと一緒にお出かけできるなんて夢みたい・・・////
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding. 彼女の笑顔の素晴らしさを語るには語彙力が足りないっっ!!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding. 日本の最恐ホラーヒロイン 貞子と伽椰子・俊雄が、恐怖のフチから這い出して登場・・・
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding. 紫陽花の造花を愛用しています。優しいグラデーションのかかった花びらと、リアルな葉脈のプリントが気に入っています!(`・ω・´)ゞ
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding. 愛用しているフェイクグリーンは「ティーリーフピックブッシュ(グリーン)」。細かな葉の方が玉ボケをたくさん作ることができますヨ!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding. 今回は槍もラインナップ!
This article has been written in Japanese.We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.間近で拝見してきましたが・・・ 美しいを通り越して・・・神々しかったです・・・!!!(震え声)
This article has been written in Japanese. We apologize for your inconvenience, and your for your understanding.葉と茎を組み合わせるとこんな感じ。す、すごい・・・モノホンにしか見えないっっ!!