Searcha and Ramel

SpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model)

SAL Small Packet
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Sales Price : 9,690 yen
List Price : 11,220yen
Points Acquired : 96pointsOther Currencies
Release Date : Mid Mar., 2015
JAN code : 4897051420248
Item code:TKO2017
SpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model)
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PackageSpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model) Package1
Other pictureSpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model) Other picture1
ContentsSpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model) Contents1SpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model) Contents2SpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model) Contents3SpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model) Contents4
ColorSpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model) Color1
Country :

This item is limited to 1 per household.
- Germany Federal military wheel armored vehicles SpPz 2 lux of kit from Takomu is on sale.
- Chassis and suspension are completely reproducible, wheel moving, all-wheel in the same way as the actual vehicle is possible steering.
- Because there is A1 and A2 type of tires and parts, it becomes [2 in 1] kit.
- All hatch is retractable.
- Metal is spring and the etched parts.
- Marking options are four types. Super is a kit!

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 38 x 26 x 8.6 cm / 695g
Explanation in Japanese

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SpPz 2 Luchas A1/A2 (2 in 1) (Plastic model)
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