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Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 3,600 yen
List Price : 3,960yen
Points Acquired : 36pointsOther Currencies
Release Date : Late May, 2015
JAN code : 4943209520169
Item code:GM-016
Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model)
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PackageHang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Package1
Item pictureHang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Item picture1Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Item picture2Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Item picture3Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Item picture4Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Item picture5Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Item picture6Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Item picture7See more...
ContentsHang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Contents1Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Contents2Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Contents3
ColorHang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Color1
Assembly guideHang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Assembly guide1Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Assembly guide2Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Assembly guide3Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Assembly guide4Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Assembly guide5Hang-On Arcade Machine [Ride On Type] (Plastic model) Assembly guide6
Series title :

This item is limited to 3 per household.
Full length: approx 16cm.
Copyright SEGA

- Adhesive-free snap-fit \u200b\u200btype
- Accessories: 1/12 screen photo card for scale monitor, marking seal
- Work appeared: [Hang]

- Appeared in 1985 as the first installment of Sega of experience game [Hang].
- Timeless bike game in which the game fans captivated real experience like driving the bike I appeared become a plastic model kit.
- Model housing Ride-on type of features such as red large bike.
- Kit, you can assemble anyone easily because it has become a simple component configuration with an adhesive-free snap-fit \u200b\u200btype.
- In addition, the main parts are molded in actual color close to the casing, and views of the finish close to the image without having to paint by pasting the marking seal of accessories.

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 25.2 x 19.1 x 6.1 cm / 290g
Explanation in Japanese

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