The Name has been Decided!

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Anime Robot/SFX
The Name has been Decided!
Hello everyone.
Roku here.

The name for our mascot character has been decided.


Thank you all for your name ideas.

Right, change of topic...

"It is obvious this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the force...
But our skill with the Light Saber!"

A line by Count Dooku to Yoda.

This Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus)'s Light Saber has been restocked!
It's from the 45% scale series by Master Replica, an item that won't be put to production again.

Although its only about half the actual size, it has strong presence.
I would say it's a pretty rare item indeed.

We also restocked on Darth Maul Force FX Light Saber

This item unfortunately isn't from MR, but it's by Hasbro and its just as good.
It's almost the real size, and has lighting & sound effect gimmick too.
Darth Maul's Light Saber is supposed to be double-sided, but this is the damaged version, so it's halved.
However, you can combine two to make the double-sided light saber, if you can get your hands on two.
Also, it's made with fine details, so you can see the part that Obi-Wan had sliced in half.

You can see the Adegan Crystal.

Gosh, introducing the product is making me want this.
I want Mace's Light Saber.
Although Count Dooku's isn't bad either.

By Roku, who thinks you need to buy two if you get Darth Maul's Light Saber... but he wants it anyway...

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