Clothing at 1/12 Scale!!!

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Fashion Doll
Clothing at 1/12 Scale!!!
its hot... and with the monsoon blown by, its midsummer already!

Its so hot even with the monsoon over! It so hot I might melt...
Good evening, Gabas here...
Today we will look at the Desktop Costumes that suddenly appeared on the dolls page from Azone International!!
And out of that, (due to a long discussion with my wallet) the following 3 will be detailedly introduced!! (detailedly?)
These were originally only available though the shops directly under Azone, but they have finally been opened to the public!!
Azone Desktop Costumes

Gees, due to budgeting reasons, aye...?
It's such a great opportunity, with the release to the general public and all!
Why is he being such a cheapskate???

but that aside... we can see how much a weirdo he is, just by looking at the selection!!

Gabas: "damn!!" *blows up the guy's computer*

And the ladies who will be sacrificed testing these out are the following three!!
guinea pigs

Miss Aegis in the middle had been posed by the lady responsible for Friday's articles, and has absolutely nothing to do with Gabas's interests...

Before we begin...
- The products are doll wears designed for generically sold 1/12-scale figures (with waist approx. 5.3cm).
- There may be cases where the product is unsuitable even if the figure had been labeled as 1/12-scale. We appreciate your understanding.
Hey Everyone, did you get all that? (C.V by Wakamoto)

Right then, let's get onto it then!!
Starting with the Shukumijyu School Swimwear...
School Swim Wear (Navy)
When I first saw the packaging, I was actually thinking "Will this really fit?", but when it came to, it actually fit pretty smoothly!!
And also!! You can make her wear the swimming cap included!!
School Swim Wear (Navy)
OMG!!! Its seriously really CUTE!!

And next...
The Miko outfit!!
Miko Clothing
Please ignore the fact that the figure scheduled to try out the outfit has changed, due to very complicated issues... lets just say she took a sick leave, shall we?
Anyway, this Miko clothing has a very simple structure, so it can be easily worn, and there is a short skirt version too, so im sure it will match a variety of figures!!
And!! If you hear Miko, you would expect...!!
Miko Clothing
The broomstick!! That's right the broom is also included! And it is made so very well!! You could really sweep rubbish with this!!

And lastly, the knit one-piece with a hood!!
Knit One-Piece w/Hood (Pink)
You can make them wear the leggings included too!!
The clothing, although its so small, its made very well, as expected from Azone!!

hmmmm, its pretty nice, it can actually cover the joints to some extent!!

Knit One-Piece w/Hood (Pink)
You can actually make her wear the hood too!!

OMG That's amazing!!
Azone is seriously awesome!!

So yeah,
Desktop Costumes
Let's enjoy a different look for your Busou Shinki and figma etc with these doll clothing, the Desktop Costume series!!
It could be so fun dressing up your figures that time might fly!
Right then, See you next time~

By Gabas, who has half of his being built on Busou Shinki... apparently.

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