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British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 7,410 yen
List Price : 8,580yen
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Series:Black Label
Release Date : Early May, 2015
JAN code : 0089195835550
Item code:BL3555
British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model)
User Area(Evaluation:4)
PackageBritish Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Package1
Item pictureBritish Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Item picture1British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Item picture2British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Item picture3British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Item picture4British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Item picture5British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Item picture6British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Item picture7See more...
Other pictureBritish Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Other picture1British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Other picture2British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Other picture3British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Other picture4British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Other picture5British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Other picture6British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Other picture7See more...
ContentsBritish Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Contents1British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Contents2British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Contents3British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Contents4British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Contents5
ColorBritish Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Color1British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Color2
Assembly guideBritish Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Assembly guide1British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Assembly guide2British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Assembly guide3British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Assembly guide4British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Assembly guide5British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model) Assembly guide6
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[About Vehicle]
- Heavy tank after the end of the Second World War, the Soviet Army has been developed in the UK in order to counter the heavy tank IS-3 Heavy Tank was developed in that you rush to the Cold War era is equipped with a 55 caliber 120mm cannon FV214 Con is the color.
- Developed as a fire support tanks of Centurion main battle tanks that had been deployed at the time, prototype vehicle was completed in 1950. Mass production in 1955 is started, Mk.I 20 cars until 1959, Mk.II were produced 165 cars.
- Back then, including a large stereo-type measuring far-machine mounted on the cupola is the power of fire control equipment and 120mm artillery state-of-the-art has attracted attention.
- Are deployed, such as in West Germany stationed troops, was retired in 1966.

[The model]
- Cold War era, heavy tank of the British army that was listen to glare at the power of the 120mm cannon on the Soviet Army, beautifully reproduced the Conqueror in 1/35 scale!
- Equipped with turret the 120mm gun of the long gun barrel reproduce the molding, which is composed of a complex curved surface at exactly the integral part.
- Large of the cupola can be assembled to select the opening and closing of the hatch.
- Long barrel of 55 caliber 120mm cannon has been reproduced using the slide mold.
- Achieve such as automotive and machine gun turret rear of the bucket, reproduction of detail also joined in full reality finish.
- Lower body parts to accurately reproduce the shape in one piece. In addition, is a mechanical finish was also firmly modeled unique Horstman suspension of two load wheels with a feature of the Conqueror to the equipment one side 4 units unit that became set.
- Assembling the track has set the DS track of handy integral. Although there was no opportunity to actually exert its power, Conqueror of style to feel the power is attractive is the attention model that can not be overlooked is the working tank fan.
- In addition, scene production of the Cold War era in combination with Saladin Mk.II armored vehicles that are line up in 1/35 scale from black label also you'll be able to expand the idea.

[Main Features]
- Has been turret part calibration complex curved surface is modeled in one piece
- 55 caliber of 120mm gun barrel is reproduced in the integrally molded using a slide mold
- Large queue Bora hatch can be selected opening and closing
- Also firmly modeled unique Horstman suspension is also a feature
- Track is an easy assembly DS track

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 38 x 24.5 x 9 cm / 616g
Explanation in Japanese

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British Army FV214 Conqueror Heavy Tank (Plastic model)
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