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SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 3,240 yen 18%OFF
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Producer:Yunosuke Maruie
Series:Frame Arms
Release Date : Mid Aug., 2012
JAN code : 4934054105120
Item code:FA018
SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model)
User Area(Evaluation:1)
Item pictureSA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Item picture1SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Item picture2SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Item picture3
Other pictureSA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Other picture1SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Other picture2
ContentsSA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Contents1SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Contents2SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Contents3SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Contents4
About itemSA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) About item1SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) About item2SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) About item3
ColorSA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Color1
Assembly guideSA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Assembly guide1SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Assembly guide2SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Assembly guide3SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Assembly guide4SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Assembly guide5SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Assembly guide6SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model) Assembly guide7See more...
Item series :

This item is limited to 3 per household.
Copyright KOTOBUKIYA Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Height: approx. 160mm.

- Renewed sword song Kuroki (h fan Giardini).

- Which was released in 2010 as a variation of the machine [SA-16 Stiletto]
Is [SA-16d Giardini fan network, specification significantly renewal kit! !
Price - will be intact with the release of the specification, and increased the more realistic from the first edition.

- Reform the impression aircraft fuselage part by reviewing the color, the orange color changed to first astringency.
- Change the color to even more strong metallic frame color, finish and more mechanical.
- With the addition of a new runner and review of the split parts, part gray face, chest, shoulder portion Orange
, Such as molded part was solid in the previous version are color-coded, the appearance of elements in the set state
Greatly improved.
And - improved frame has been adopted since the [RF-9 Revenant Eye],
Parts for FA by hand has been adopted by [XFA-01 Werewolf Spector], assembly
We have also improved the ease of play with ease.
- Also can be assembled [(h Giardini color fan) SA-16 Stiletto] by selection of parts.
- Comes with a [(machine gun and missile launcher) MSG Weapon Unit 04] which is molded in color only.

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 31.2 x 19.5 x 11 cm / 592g
Explanation in Japanese

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SA16d Kfanjal Renewal Ver. (Plastic model)
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