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M60 Patton (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 7,410 yen
List Price : 8,580yen
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Release Date : Early Jun., 2016
JAN code : 0089195835536
Item code:DR3553
M60 Patton (Plastic model)
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PackageM60 Patton (Plastic model) Package1
Other pictureM60 Patton (Plastic model) Other picture1M60 Patton (Plastic model) Other picture2M60 Patton (Plastic model) Other picture3
ContentsM60 Patton (Plastic model) Contents1M60 Patton (Plastic model) Contents2M60 Patton (Plastic model) Contents3M60 Patton (Plastic model) Contents4
ColorM60 Patton (Plastic model) Color1M60 Patton (Plastic model) Color2
Assembly guideM60 Patton (Plastic model) Assembly guide1M60 Patton (Plastic model) Assembly guide2M60 Patton (Plastic model) Assembly guide3M60 Patton (Plastic model) Assembly guide4M60 Patton (Plastic model) Assembly guide5M60 Patton (Plastic model) Assembly guide6
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- After the Second World War, begins from the US military formality of been M46 tanks as main battle tanks in 1949, 1951 of the M47, 1952-year Patton series leading to the M48 development, it has been deployed. Its that the M48 has been developed on the base as a successor vehicle is M60.
- The body adopts welded structure, the engine equipped with a diesel engine. In addition, the gun was equipped with a 105mm gun higher power than the 90mm cannon of M48. The main gun is a 52 caliber 105mm rifle gun L7A1, which was developed in the United Kingdom, was a masterpiece gun of the world that have been adopted in such as Leopard tanks and Japan of the type 74 of West Germany. M60, which is formality into March 1959 is continued subsequent improvement, there is also such as the development lag of successor vehicle, and I continued working until the 1990s.
- Model is the basic type M60 of long dominating M60 series as American main battle tanks, adding to reproduce the new mold in almost all parts. The realistic style that is characteristic texture, etc. also be included. The vehicle is a welded structure, modeling a car body plane is often used with a slide mold both in the upper and lower split. Bottom shape as opposed to the top of the sharp shape with a rounded has been accurately reproduced in the new mold.
- Underbody the suspension arm is attached also add a new mold, finish with a further three-dimensional effect. The track has assembly adopted the DS track of handy belt type. In addition, such as the reproduction of the exhaust muffler box or storage box of detail also realistic rear portion of the vehicle body panel and left and right fender of the slit, also feel it is sufficient.
- Reproduced the turret in the new mold is unique shape, of course, also firmly representation texture of the casting skin. 105mm artillery gun even life ring is reproduced, up to reality. In addition, modeled realistically, including the distinctive shape also detail of Commanders cupola. not to be missed is the finish. In addition, search lights to turret front is, storage rack in the turret rear is, handrail is delicately reproduced on the turret side, and increase the feeling.
- At the same scale M48 and M103, further, it equipped well as MBT70. We are looking forward to line up the history of the post-war US Army main battle tanks. It is one that can not be overlooked in the United States tanks fan.
- Distinctive and realistic, including the style texture etc.
- Shinkin body that has been reproduced in type using the slide die in the two upper and lower division
- Bottom shape with a rounded as opposed to accurately reproduced in the new mold the top of the sharp shape
- Reproduced the turret at Shinkin type and unique shape, even the texture of the casting skin firmly representation
- 105mm artillery gun is reproduced life ring
- Commanders modeled realistically, including the distinctive shape also detail of the cupola
- Search lights and storage rack, even such as the side of the railing delicately reproduced
- Assembled on track to adopt the DS track of handy belt-type

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 38.3 x 24.5 x 8.2 cm / 650g
Explanation in Japanese

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