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M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 10,450 yen
List Price : 12,100yen
Points Acquired : 104pointsOther Currencies
Manufacturer:Rye Field Model
Release Date : Early Oct., 2016
JAN code : 4897062620095
Item code:RFM5007
M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model)
User Area(Evaluation:8)
PackageM1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Package1
ContentsM1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Contents1M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Contents2M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Contents3M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Contents4M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Contents5M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Contents6M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Contents7See more...
ColorM1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Color1M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Color2M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Color3M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Color4M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Color5
Assembly guideM1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Assembly guide1M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Assembly guide2M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Assembly guide3M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Assembly guide4M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Assembly guide5M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Assembly guide6M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model) Assembly guide7See more...
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This item is limited to 1 per household.
- For the first time of the kit as M1 with a full-fledged interior
- Engine, fighting compartment, such as in the turret completely reproduced
- Consolidated movable track to track pin the shape of the side was also completely reproduced
- 2in1 kit which you can select the A1 or A2

- A kit of the interior of the popular Abrams full reproduction of charm full.
- So far, but also there was partially kit that reproduces such as in a turret, full interior kit is this is the first time of the sale.
- Which is a feature of the Abrams, was a blow-off panel with ammunition depot full reproduction of the turret rear.
- Kit is either A1 was retrofit 120mm gun, the assembly is possible to select either of the A2 that have become hunter killer ability to install additional thermal sensor.
- Track This alone is the level consolidated movable track that holds as a product.

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 38.2 x 24.2 x 12.2 cm / 1175g
Explanation in Japanese

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M1A1 Abrams w/Full Interior (2in1) (Plastic model)
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This item scores 3.13.
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