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YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 8,500 yen 23%OFF
List Price : 11,000yen
Points Acquired : 85pointsOther Currencies
Manufacturer:AFV Club
Release Date : Sep(Jul. 18, 2024 Pre-order start.)
JAN code : 4716965353612
Item code:FV35361
YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model)
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PackageYPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Package1
Item pictureYPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Item picture1YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Item picture2YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Item picture3YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Item picture4YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Item picture5YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Item picture6YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model) Item picture7See more...
Country :
 , Ukraine

This item is limited to 3 per household.

- A Dutch infantry fighting vehicle that was modified to be able to mount an M113 turret and was also provided to Ukraine is reproduced with some new parts.

- New YPR-765 PRO.50 top equipment rack
- New YPR-765 PRO.50 turret ring (connects to M113A1 turret)
- New etching parts for YPR-765 PRO.50 included
- Can be assembled in four different specifications
- Includes new decals and painting instructions to recreate vehicles in service with the Royal Dutch Army and the Ukrainian Army

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )
Explanation in Japanese

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YPR-765 PRI.50 APC w/ .50-Caliber M2 HB Machine Gun (Plastic model)
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