Something I bought

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Something I bought
Evening, this is Roku.

On a personal note, I was having some trouble seeing distant objects for a couple of years and was thinking of buying a set of glasses and contact lenses.
Although I was trying managing without them, it got so bad these days that I was forced to shell out a small fortune for them.

I don't mean to pout, but they are far more expensive, at least in Japan, than they seem to need to be. How is it in your country?

Well, I guess it was worth it after all, because everything has become superbly clear once I put them on.
I am going to wear glasses and contact lenses on a day-by-day rotating basis...for no particular reasons.

Do you remember the mirrors I once mentioned in my earlier blog?
I had this uncontrollable urge to buy one of them the other day and ended up with this one.
Nintama Rantaro Compact Mirror
ichinenn sei
Those kids are so funny. Reading some of their comic books is one of my favorite pastimes.

What do I need looking glasses for?
Actually, I have no use for them, but those Compact Mirrors are so cute you sometimes just cannot help it.

With dry eyes.


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