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Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 3,325 yen
List Price : 3,850yen
Points Acquired : 33pointsOther Currencies
Manufacturer:Panda Hobby
Release Date : Late May, 2014
JAN code : 4580314900310
Item code:PNH35004
Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model)
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PackageRussian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Package1
Other pictureRussian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Other picture1Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Other picture2Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Other picture3
ContentsRussian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Contents1Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Contents2
ColorRussian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Color1
Assembly guideRussian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Assembly guide1Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Assembly guide2Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Assembly guide3Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Assembly guide4Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Assembly guide5Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Assembly guide6Russian BMD-1 (Plastic model) Assembly guide7
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This item is limited to 3 per household.
- BMD-1 is a possible airdrop airborne infantry fighting vehicle. At the end of the 1960s, it was developed in Volgograd tractor plant in history, and it is used by a large number still.
- It is only 6.5 tons, but it has the firepower equivalent to that of the BMP-1 of 13 tons. In addition to providing a smooth-bore gun as 73mm main gun, equipped with the anti-tank missile ([Sager] west designation) 9M14 Maryotoka.
- In addition to the two specific soldiers, transportable fully armed infantry of five, has a light water 浮行 function and mobility, it is possible to provide the mobility and firepower which is a weak point of the airborne troops, it is a very useful vehicle.

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )

Item Size/Weight : 30 x 21 x 6 cm / 328g
Explanation in Japanese

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