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Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model)

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Sales Price : 2,470 yen
List Price : 2,860yen
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Producer:Yuichi Kuwamura
Series:Hexa Gear
Original:Hexa Gear
Release Date : Mid Mar., 2024
JAN code : 4934054042692
Item code:HG114
Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model)
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PackageHexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Package1
Item pictureHexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Item picture1Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Item picture2Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Item picture3Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Item picture4
Other pictureHexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Other picture1Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Other picture2Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Other picture3Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Other picture4Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Other picture5Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Other picture6Hexa Gear Booster Pack 011 Biting Scissors (Plastic model) Other picture7See more...
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This item is limited to 3 per household.
Full length: approx 220mm.

[ Related Products ]
See variety of Hexa Gear Series

- The 11th booster pack is an armed unit featuring a highly versatile design, from the beetle's mandible to its pincer legs, sword, wings, and legs.
- The molding color is Hexa Gear dark green, which is a common color in the series, and by combining it with booster packs 007, 008, 012, and 013, you can assemble the dark green specification of large fighting Hexa Gear [Gertrude]. .

[Product specifications]
- It is an armed unit that can be used regardless of whether it is a 2nd generation humanoid or a 3rd generation biological type, and is convenient for building original aircraft.
- By attaching the two types of grip units that come with it, it can be equipped to Hexa Gear as a sword or tonfa, or by removing the blade part, it can be used as leg parts or wings.
- Each unit has multiple movable mechanisms and can be used as a large joint unit.
- In addition to using the left and right of the attached sensor unit independently, it can also be used as the head part of the hexa gear by connecting the left and right units with a joint part.
- Each unit can be disassembled and attached to various hexa gears using the hexagram system.

・Biting scissors x 1 set
・Sensor unit x 1 set
・Grip parts A×2
・Grip parts B x 2
・Joint for connecting sensor unit x 1 set
・Travel clamp x 1

- Design: Yuichi Kuwamura

( This is a machine translation. Please allow for possible misinterpretations in the text. )
Item Size/Weight : 31.6 x 19.1 x 6.5 cm / 338g
Explanation in Japanese

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